We craft estate plans that meet the needs of each unique client. Sometimes a “simple will” covers all of your needs for naming a guardian and distributing your assets (though, there really is nothing simple about a proper will). Here in Massachusetts, clients usually need a little more detailed planning for their diverse assets. Let us help.
Read our article that explains more details about what each of these documents can do for you and your family.
Your essential estate planning document, a will tells the authorities what you would like to have done with your property after you die, who you would like to distribute your property, your recommendations for guardians of your children, and your burial wishes.
Read our article that explains the importance of naming a healthcare proxy today.
There are countless types of trusts, for countless purposes. Here at Bedford Family Lawyer, we draft many types of trusts, with the revocable family trust and revocable credit shelter trust being the most common. We also draft irrevocable life insurance trusts (“ILIT”s), qualified terminable interest trusts (“QTIP”s), and qualified domestic trusts (“QDOT”s), as well as others.
Read our article that highlights and outlines the four most common types of trusts.
A healthcare proxy form designates the person who you trust to step into your shoes and make medical decisions on your behalf in the event that you are incapacitated.
Read our article that explains the importance of a creating a Living Will today.
A Power of Attorney form designates a person who you trust to step into your shoes and make financial decisions on your behalf. These forms take effect immediately upon signing – whether or not you’re incapacitated.
Includes a Will, Healthcare Proxy, and Power of Attorney.
$900 ($1,200 for couples)
Includes the Basic (Will, Healthcare Proxy, and Power of Attorney) plus Revocable Family Trust.
$1,900 ($2,900 for couples)
Includes the Basic (Will, Healthcare Proxy, and Power of Attorney) for each person, plus 2 Revocable Credit Shelter Trusts.
$3,600 for couples
When kids turn 18, they may still be your babies, but the law considers them adults. Young adults should consider executing a healthcare proxy, power of attorney, HIPAA waiver, and/or FERPA waiver if they depend on a parent for assistance with financial and medical matters.
Read our article that explains the four documents every young adult should take to college.
The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act requires that medical professionals keep your medical information private. If you would like a trusted partner, friend, or family member to have access to your medical records, you will need a HIPAA waiver.
We offer an initial consultation that provides clients with recommendations tailored to their goals and their circumstances. The consultation lasts up to one hour and the fee of $250 is credited towards any estate plan package you choose to purchase after the consultation.
Your experience does not have to be a War of the Roses. Learn more about how we work – inside and outside the courtroom.
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If the online booking system is not working for you, please call 781-214-0858 and we can set something up.