Contact Bedford Family Lawyer

Bedford, Massachusetts

Boutique Family Law Firm

Located in Bedford, Massachusetts, Bedford Family Lawyer has a range of legal services in domestic relations, divorce, custody, and modificationsestate planning, and probate.

Whether you’re a new client who wants a consultation or an existing client who has questions, the best way to get on Rebecca’s calendar is to schedule a time through our online booking system. (See links below) Available 24/7, 365 days a year.

Located in the Historic Heart of Bedford, Mass.

You can find us at 133 Great Road, Suite 201, Bedford MA, 01730

Lawyers for Massachusetts Families

We primarily serve Middlesex, Essex, Suffolk, Norfolk, and Worcester counties, but have remote capabilities to serve clients across the Commonwealth.

Here are all the ways to get in touch with us. 

Send Us Mail

PO Box 61 Bedford, MA 01730

FedEx or UPS:
133 Great Road, Suite 201
Bedford, MA 01730

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